PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS developed and produced PLASMV Digital Billboards to support tourism in Serra do Buçaco

Through a project led by a business partner, PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS was responsible for the development and production of digital billboards for Serra do Buçaco, in the district of Aveiro.

Serra do Buçaco is an elevation in Portugal, 549 meters high in the geodesic landmark area that covers 3 municipalities, and now this has been combined with cutting-edge technology from PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS in order to provide a unique experience to all tourists passing by, with the model PLASMV.

The PLASMV Model

In this sense, the PLASMV interactive tourist information digital billboard, integrated with YPortal software, for outdoor use by PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS aims to provide users with information relating to cultural heritage, natural attractions, hospitality and gastronomy, events and other useful communications.

In addition to providing the location with a series of benefits, including:

  • Immersive and interactive environment;
  • Improved user experience;
  • Ease of adaptation to users’ needs;
  • Attractive and dynamic communication.
Recommended reading: PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS Produced PlasmV Digital Billboards to Support Trourism and Citizens in the Town of Marvão

YPortal Interactive Information Software

The YPortal software, integrated into PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS Digital Billboards, supports the digital transformation of Smart Cities and connects citizens and tourists with cities, municipalities, parishes, services, etc.

Also available as an app, YPortal transmits all types of communications: news, events, routes, points of interest, information from social networks, contacts, among others.

With the integration of the YPortal software, the PLASMV Digital Billboard allows citizens and tourists of Serra do Buçaco to experience a digital experience, providing immediate satisfaction and ease in searching for information about the mountain.

Investing in PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS' technological solutions for Smart Cities is essential for their progress and technological evolution, where the focus is on training intelligent citizens and the need to make cities more creative, sustainable and intelligent.

Solucoes Digitais e Interactivas para a Industria e Empresas

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