A PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS is a nominee for the INOVA + award in the Digital Solutions for Resilient Cities category
INOVA + marks its 25 years with the first national call for scientific and business projects, with potential for international scale, and PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS is one of the candidate companies with the Civiq Dream project.
This prize aims to reward 6 projects that promote the distinction of ideas, solutions or technologies of scientific excellence, as well as projects of business excellence, able to respond to the main European priorities in several areas:
- Artificial Intelligence;
- Sustainability of natural resources and ecosystems;
- Digital solutions for resilient cities.
PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS believes that the Civiq Dream project will have the potential to be the winner of the INOVA + award in the Digital solutions for resilient cities category.
With the Civiq Dream project, the goal is to provide people with the best solutions for their daily needs, being the main focus sustainability and the guarantee of a better tomorrow.

From multimedia kiosks, self-service equipment, digital billboards and other digital solutions, these are some of the solutions that the Civiq Dream project can offer to all citizens.
Find out all about our Civiq Dream project
With PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS having a great concern in taking the best solutions such as digital billboards and self-service kiosks to all citizens, we couldn't be prouder of this candidature.