Queue Management System and Casharmour CH4S for automatic payments by PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS revolutionized service at Farmácia Barbosa

Technology plays an increasingly important role in the pharmaceutical industry, both for healthcare professionals and users. In addition to responding to healthcare needs, technology offers an autonomous and personalized experience to users.

Farmácia Barbosa (Pharmacy), based in Vila Nova de Famalicão, used the services of PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS to purchase equipment aimed at automating payments.

The project also included the installation of a ticket dispensing kiosk with a display to display multimedia content and provide information about tickets.

Casharmour for Automated Payments

The Casharmour CH4S self-service kiosk with a 10" display was the model chosen for the pharmacy due to the need for equipment that could automate all cash payments.

Adapting to any commercial space, this automatic payment kiosk fits perfectly next to the Farmácia Barbosa counters, an area of easy access and interaction for employees.

With Casharmour CH4S it is possible to automate all cash management processes, receive and collect payments from customers, give change and automatically balance the cash register at the end of the day.

Casharmour models have a series of advantages that will simplify the day-to-day life of all commercial establishments:

  • Simplified cash handling;
  • Modern and elegant design;
  • Limitless customization;
  • Cost reduction;
  • Increased productivity.

QMAGINE Queue Management System

The project, implemented at Farmácia Barbosa, included the installation of a ticket dispensing kiosk, a 15” QUARTZ model, and a display to display content and provide information about tickets.

In this sense, the ticket dispenser kiosk provides personalized customer service, as well as a gain in productivity in the service provided. It allows customers to choose the type of service they want so that the service is more accurate and effective.

QMAGINE Queue Management System ensures better organization of services, optimizes service processes and puts an end to traditional waiting lines, which translates into greater comfort in service, both for customers and employees.

With powerful and effective tools, QMAGINE by PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS queue and service management systems offer several benefits:

  • More efficient service;
  • Optimization of service quality;
  • Improved customer experience;
  • Collection of statistical data;
  • Management and organization of service;
  • Reduction in the dropout rate;
  • Better organizational image.

At PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS the priority is the needs and desires of customers, hence the customization of every detail, so that the result is only one, success!

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