Zero Contact Gateway: Buying and collecting orders is simpler

Zero Contact Gateway: Buying and collecting orders is simpler with the new PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS system

Given the new reality we face due to the outbreak of COVID-19, PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS developed the “Zero Contact Gateway”, system, which allows customers/users to make purchases through the app or online store and receive a notification via email or an SMS confirming their order.

In this confirmation, the customer also receives a link that gives him online access to a page where he can define the place and time when he will pick up the order.

When accessing the Gateway page, through a QR Code, the customer, anywhere, selects all the processes associated with the order collection. The store chosen by the customer, in turn, will be informed via email or message of the time when he intends to pick up the order.

Zero Contact Gateway: Buying and collecting orders is simpler

There are, however, several ways to use the QR Code.

  • Personal QR Code: The customer can choose to receive a personal QR Code from his online store by email. This way, whenever picking up the order, the customer can – still at home – scan the QR Code and access a page where he will insert the order ID, choose the store and the time to carry out the collection.

  • QR Code in vehicle: It is also possible to choose a QR Code in the vehicle, with a process similar to the Personal QR Code.

  • QR Code in store: With this system, the store itself can disseminate its QR Code in the most diverse places, from billboards and magazines to newspapers and websites.

  • QR Code anywhere: Enables the store to spread the QR Code to access its page, so that customers have access to it at any time.

The “Zero Contact Gateway” system from PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS was developed within the scope of another company system – “Zero Contact” –, which manages queues inside and outside the establishments, allowing customers to remove their password without the need for contact. Now, this system will also be present in the process of making a purchase and collecting it, avoiding wasted time and physical contact.


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