The customer must register on the QMAGINE SLIP ONLINE platform.
Do not leave your customers waiting. A smart queue management system can be the key to your success!
Service management has as main objectives the ordering of waiting queues, in order to improve the quality of the provided service, improve the service efficency and improve work flow. With real quality and excellence in service, customers will feel more credibility in your business.
We live in a age of information and communication technology, with more demanding and conscientious citizens who want more quality, faster and more efficient services. Excellence in a service can be the competitive differentiator and the main factor in customer loyalty, sales groth, company evolution, satisfaction in the performance evaluation of institutions, among other factors.
This system ensures a better organization of services, optimizes service processes and eliminates the traditional queue, which translates into greater comfort in service, for both customers and employees.
Attendance System for a Ticket Attendance Management
Complete system that responds to all service configurations, regardless of business areas. From a basic system to a more sophisticated business solution that can involve different players. Not only do we provide the service through multimedia kiosks, but also through a fast and intuitive mobile application that will facilitate and streamline queue management.
Linear Queue Management Service System
This system is absent of tickets and is distinguished by its efficiency in the management of queues and is based on the logic of the service "first come, first served". One queue / service for multiple counters, the single queue system is one of the simples models for managing queues.
Each time a call desk is free, the operator presses the call button, being present on the display the number of the available balcony that is available for attendance. It's the perfect solution for stores, airports and pharmacies.
ANA Airpots
QMAGINE Slip Online: Mobility on Attendance
Provide your customers with a feature that will give them greater comfort in waiting. QMAGINE SLIP ONLINE not only allows you to consult the number of people waiting, but also allows you to send your ticket online. Eliminate clusters of people in the waiting areas, giving the customer the opportunity to leave the service area during the waiting period.
The customer must register on the QMAGINE SLIP ONLINE platform.
The customer is presented with information on available services, the number of people waiting and the average service time.
In his turn, he will be called for attendance.
Need to know more informations about this solution? That's the reason we are here for.
If you have questions and are interested about this solution, don't be afraid to ask. We have a comercial team ready to answer your questions!