Interactive kiosks are designed with different functionalities to provide information and services to all customers.
They can include several components, from sensors, cash and card payment system, cameras and microphones that allow businesses or Smart Cities to monitor kiosk operations, streamline automatic payment, collect environmental data and provide accessibility to users.
In 2019, the global digital interactive kiosks market was valued at $23.94 billion.
By 2025, it is expected to reach $32.8 billion.

Advantages of interactive digital kiosks in the different sectorsHealth
The health sector, whether public or private such as hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, health centers, among others, is increasingly equipped with the best digital media and latest generation technologies.
In this sector, the ticket dispenser kiosks for queue and attendance management are a fundamental element in the continuous innovation of the entities, companies and their processes.
- Scheduling and recording of exams and appointments;
- Organized service;
- Reduced waiting time;
- Remote management and updating of content in real time;
- Increased revenue streams;
- Detailed statistical information;
- SMS alerts for waiting users.

PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS has recently developed a very successful project for Farmácias Oliveira and Isabelinha.
These now have an interactive kiosk that dispenses tickets in order to promote greater comfort in service, both for customers and employees.
Banking Sector
In this sector, interactive digital kiosks are an plus, and these are increasingly indispensable for the banking sector, allowing features such as:
- Information verification;
- Quick and easy access to home banking;
- Ability to make payment orders, money transfers, check requisitions, etc;
- Printing documents needed to request applications and services;
- Presentation of financial products (insurance, credits, etc.);
- Digital advertising.
As an example of interactive kiosks in the banking sector, we can highlight the project developed by PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS for Banco BiG – Banco de Investimento Global.
Tourism & Hotel sectors
The evolution of the internet and consumer behavior has revolutionized the way various sectors look at communicating with their clients.
In the Tourism & Hotel sectors, interactive kiosks and digital billboards play a fundamental role, as for example at Boavista Golf & Spa, located in the Algarve.
Due to their components and functionalities, the interactive kiosks present a great competitive advantage:
- Product promotion and interactive multimedia ads;
- Information such as city maps, tourist attractions, public transportation, contacts, routes, etc;
- Photo kiosks for printing “experiences”;
- Ticket purchasing;
- Wireless hotspot for hotels;
- Check-in and check-out in hotels.

In this way, interactive multimedia kiosks allow people the autonomy to perform functions that previously always required the presence of another actor!
Smart Cities
The population continues to grow along with the percentage increase of the urban population. Cities now consume 80% of the world’s resources and occupy only 2% of global land resources.
This smart cities concept focuses on sustainability and on ensuring a better tomorrow, offering several features for citizens:
- Access to free Wi-Fi;
- Improved mobility and the flow of city transportation;
- Promoting a healthier environment by increasing the use of public transportation;
- Emergency broadcasts and access to critical public information;
- Promotes local business growth through advertising and sponsorships;
- Easy connection between citizens and the digital world.
An example of success in this sector (smart cities) were the interactive digital billboards installed in the city of Vila Nova de Famalicão.
In an increasingly connected and autonomous world, we can see that consumer behavior has changed.
With interactive self-service kiosks, restaurants will be able to offer a different, agile, and convenient experience to their customers, and this could be the differentiation you need for your business, such as at Bahrain International Airport.
- Redução do tempo de espera;
- Automatização na gestão de encomendas;
- Aumento do volume de vendas;
- Experiência de consumo elevada;
- Maior precisão nos pedidos;
- Redução de filas de espera;
- Diferentes meios de pagamento como VISA, MBWay, etc.
42% of customers prefer to use self-service interactive kiosks in restaurants |
Commerce & Retail
The shopping surfaces are an area of commerce but also of leisure where the multimedia kiosk or digital billboards can take on many functions.
With an interactive kiosk in large shopping areas, it has never been so easy for customers to be aware of all the news concerning the most diverse brands.

With the Digital Signage software from PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS, it is even possible to present advertising related to the commercial surface or even a specific brand.
An example of the solutions for the retail sector was the project developed by PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS for the Vasco da Gama Shopping Center.
Transportation (public transport, electric vehicles, and smart bus shelters)
Given urban development, public transportation options evolve and citizens and tourists need more information and more tools to move from one point to another. Thus, interactive kiosks present themselves as increasingly viable solutions for the transport sector.
Among several projects, the PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS smart bus shelters stand out as a lever for the development of Smart Cities, which encompasses numerous advantages:
- Improved citizen experience and quality of life;
- Dynamic information transmission;
- Reduced perception of waiting time;
- Sustainable mobility;
- More security;
- More connection.
Why use interactive digital kiosks?
Interactive digital kiosks help reduce the operational costs associated with an employee, while increasing user satisfaction and autonomy for immediate service.

The industry is transforming the way consumers relate to brands, and through interactive kiosks, companies can offer products targeted to specific market segments.
Thus, there are many advantages associated with interactive kiosks:
- Payments through different methods;
- Real-time alerts;
- Personalized offers;
- Purchase of products;
- Consultation of a store’s stock;
- Recommendation of a product.
Nowadays interactive kiosks are an important tool in people’s lives, being used for the provision of services or as simple information points.
PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS always works towards solutions for all clients in order to provide the best possible experiences.