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Flight Cases - Suitecases for kiosks transportation
For kiosks that will be transported to several locations (e.g. exhibitions around the world), the Flight Cases are the best solutions. Robust, lightweight and easy to transport, these suitases are also an excellent support for airplane transportation as they respect all the standards that the aviation industry requires.
PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS gives to the clients the possibility to achieve this type of transport boxes (Flight Cases), managing with the whole process of packaging and filling of the kiosks in the Flight Cases. This Flight Cases are built only with high quality materials, ensuring the strength and durability that is required. With them, the kiosk transportation becomes a very easy task. Due to the 4 directional wheels that this Flight Cases have, their movement is very simple.
In the construction of the Flight Cases, they are used anti-slip birch plywood of 7 or 9 millimeters thickness. These lightweight plywood are extremely resistant and durable. The ones with 9mm are black or dark brown and the external anti-slip face is in hexagonal pattern. The 7mm plywoods are in dark brown and the anti-slip outer face is in a quadarangular pattern.
The interiors of the Flight Cases are lined with black carpets or high-density foams with thicknesses between 10 to 50 millimeters as it is appropriate for each kiosk. All Flight Cases are equipped with metals from reputable brand PENN ELCOM, butterfly locks, embedded metal wings, corners and hybrid locks in aluminum, wheels with or without brakes, etc..


The Fligth Cases wheels may have brakes for higher security.

The outside of the box is on hexagonal ant-slip surface.

Embedded metal wings for easy transportation of the Flight Case.

The butterfly locks are very easy to handle and extremely durable.
- 7 to 9 mm plywood;
- Colors: Dark brown or black;
- Anti-slip external face;
- Inside with carpet or coated foam with high density - 10 to 50mm as required;
- Standard quadrangular mesh pattern;
- Butterfly locks;
- Metal wings embedded;
- Angles and hybrid locks in aluminum;
- Metal corners and finishes;
- Wheels with or without brake;
- Dimensions may vary depending on the transported material.