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Quality control & supply chain audits
PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS ensures security and quality transportation of their equipments.
One of PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS partner companies that provides quality control and compliance services is QIMA, which aims to protect, manage and optimize the global supply chain.
For a modern business, an ethical supply chain is no longer an optional "feel-good" PR-tool. Today, consumers, governments and NGOs are putting increasing pressure on brands and retailers to ensure transparency throughout their supply chains.
What is product inspection?
Being a key element of quality control, product inspections allows to verify product quality on site at different stages of the production process and prior to its dispatch.
Inspecting the product before it leaves the manufacturer's premises is an effective way of preventing quality problems and supply chain disruptions further down the line.
QIMA product inspections can be conducted at all stages of the manufacturing process:
- IPC – Initial Production Check
- DUPRO – During Production Inspection
- PSI – Pre-Shipment Inspection
- CLC – Container Loading Check
- PM – Production Monitoring
why do we take product inspection so seriously?
To ensure maximum quality at every production stage;
To verify quality at the source and don’t pay for defective goods;
To avoid recalls and reputational damage;
To be able to anticipate production and shipment delays;
To optimize our quality control budget;
Video Inspections
With Qima video inspections, we can watch as the inspector completes each section of your inspection protocol. Being processed afterwards, a detailed and fully illustrated inspection report.
It offers a complete overview of quality checks and defects found, allowing to watch the product inspection.
We can opt that during the booking of our order, ask the inspector to proceed with the footage, resulting in a edited film, to show the different steps of the inspection.
Ethical Audits (EA)
One of the most frequent criticisms leveled against the existing supply chain compliance processes is the inability of a single factory visit to truly uncover its state of human rights.
Onsite audits are the starting point and the cornerstone of any supplier compliance strategy, as they’re the only way to access independently the situation of a given manufacturing location.
Worker voice surveys provide workers with reporting channels that they can use safely, confidentially, and outside of working hours.
Qima has partnered with Ulula, a based social enterprise that equips organizations with technology, data and analytics to monitor risks of human rights abuses in order to create more responsive supply chains, providing to the workers, a safe and effective mechanism to report any relevant information about their workplace, both reactively and proactively.