Interactive digital billboard promotes tourism in Switzerland

We have developed another international project, this time for Switzerland. In addition to chocolates, watches, mountains and snow, you can also find the renowned interactive digital billboard NOMYU, developed by PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS.

With 46 ", the NOMYU digital billboard met the expectations demanded, providing moments of strong interaction between the Swiss citizens, providing tourist information and maps of the region.

This is a digital kiosk that adapts to any situation and therefore can integrate signaling modules that identify it as a tourist information kiosk. The "i" frame is one of the modules that can integrate the digital billboard, allowing NOMYU to be quickly identified and seen by anyone, including tourists and / or visitors.

PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS has a unique experience in the field of interactive technologies and NOMYU integrates different components that make it a product capable of resisting rain and dust. With this intelligent system the NOMYU can operate in a temperature range between -20 ° C and 40 ° C, and it is possible to extend these temperatures to vary between -40 ° C to 55 ° C.

Interactive digital billboard promotes tourism in Switzerland

Knowing that one of the most critical situations in outdoor equipment with display is the heating generated by all electronic equipment (displays, computers, etc.), an innovative system has been developed that allows the air conditioning system to stay inside the equipment, allowing thus maintaining the attractive design of the NOMYU without removing the reliability and effectiveness of the refrigeration system.

The managers of the Tourism and Hospitality sectors are increasingly seeking to respond to the needs of more technological and connected citizens. NOMYU is a state-of-the-art interactive digital billboard, developed by PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS and internationally recognized, being able to respond to all the needs in the technology market.

Some photos of the project

Interactive digital billboard promotes tourism in Switzerland
Interactive digital billboard promotes tourism in Switzerland
Interactive digital billboard promotes tourism in Switzerland
Tourism And Hospitality by PARTTEAM


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